{what's the problem?}
11:54 AMIf I'm honest I don't think I knew anything about Romania until I met Haley. I take that back. I knew one thing. Romania produced one of the most awkward yet endearing NBA players of all time. The 7'7" Gheorghe Muresan. My only real memory of him was a ridiculous mock cologne commercial he made for snickers.
At the turn of the 20th century Romania was a thriving country producing advancements in sciences, literature, architecture, and art. The capital of the country, Bucharest, was affectionately dubbed little Paris of the East.
At the heart of this development and advancement into the 20th century was a monarchy borrowed from one of Europe's most stable nations...Germany.
King Carol and his wife Elisabeth unified the Romanian territories in 1881 and endeared themselves to the new nation by adopting the language and bringing education to the masses. This was no hostile takeover. The leaders of the three major Romanian provinces lobbied Germany for a King and the nation obliged.
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While the monarchy brought stability, peace, development, and advancement to Romania, the German ties would eventually prove detrimental to their future as a nation.
King Carol II, the grandson of King Carol took the reigns of Romania in 1930. During the early days of World War II, Romania was naturally allied with Germany. As the war went on and Hitler's true colors begin to shine through, Romania withdrew their support and began to support the Allies.
Romanian history books will say this was a crucial turning point in the war, as important food stuffs and oil that was provided by Romania was now withheld from German troops.
As the war ended, Europe was left devastated and the reconstruction process began. Romania drew the proverbial short stick and was left to the Soviet Empire. At this point the little Paris of the East became a shadow of itself.
The communist regime forced the people into labor and destroyed the once thriving infrastructure of the country. All resources were being exported back to Russia and the Romanian people became frustrated and agitated with their foreign intruders.
As Russia entered into tensions with America during the Cold War, Romania became more of a nuisance than an asset. A Romanian communist took advantage of the people's unrest and Russia's preoccupation with bigger issues and negotiated a take over of the country.
Nicolae Ceausescu took control of Romania in 1965 and after a brief period of improving the country's conditions engaged on a campaign of terror and oppression. He censored content, commandeered property, persecuted Christians, and imprisoned innocent people on a whim.
Everything became rationed. Food, water, lightbulbs, tv time.... everything. In a plot to create a new generation of perfect citizens, Ceausescu enacted a plan to promote child bearing. Awards were given to women who had more than 5 children. Extra rations were given to larger families. Couldn't take care of all of your children? No problem, give them to your loving leader and he will provide them with the nutrition and education they need to be the next generation of leaders.
Do you see where this is going?
Orphanages in Romania were bred out of one man's evil desires to create a subservient population who worshiped him as a deity.
In 1989 communism finally fell during a December revolution that took place throughout the country. For the next 14 years Romania continued to be led by an individual affiliated with the communist party. It wasn't until 2004 that Romania was finally freed from the yoke of communism. We are working with a country than is barely a decade removed from the devastation of communism.
The response to the orphaned population created by Ceaucescu? "It's a throw away generation." The orphan population was viewed as a waste of time and resources. Today we are seeing second even third generation orphans and the problem has not gone away.
But there is hope. We believe in a God who has not forgotten nor has he ever abandoned these children. We believe that together we can make a difference to impact the lives of these children both here and now on this earth and eternally in heaven.
We ask that you would consider getting involved. We need partners in prayer, we need donations, we need volunteers to spend time with these kids. If you are interested in any or all of these things, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Love and Blessings,