
3:33 AM

So after a wonderful summer of ministry we took off for two weeks to travel around Europe and visit with family. Our first stop was the romantic city of  Paris, France. We landed out in Beauvais airport an hour outside of the city and drove through the lush green countryside for an hour as we made our way into the city. As soon as we arrived we were in awe. We checked into our hotel and made our way through the city looking for something to eat. Problem was we were constantly distracted by the stunning archetecture and the Parisian lifestyle rumbling and bustling around us. Finally our stomachs were in complete revolt and we slowed down for a bite to eat. Our time in Paris was quick, but packed full of great food, sights, and casual strolls through the city. Highlights: The Eiffel Tower shining in the night sky, croissants, and the general charm of the city. Low lights: The Mona Lisa. First of all the painting is tiny and second of all it was like a red carpet movie premier with hundreds of hungry paparazzi pushing, crowding, and screaming to snap a picture of one of the most famous pieces of art. So much for peacefully gazing at the most well known painting in the world!

Haley at the base of the Eiffel Tower

Joan of Arc at the Notre Dame

The Arc de Triumph 

The Eiffel Tower...and US! 

There she is...

Venus de Milo

So pretty

Our next stop took us to Berlin, Germany where we met up with Haley's German family. We enjoyed a great time of strolling through farmers markets, flea markets, traveling the city by bike, hanging out in parks, wandering through shops, playing and watching football, and eating way too much for our own good. We had a very special meal while in Berlin at a restaurant that is completely dark. The waiters are all blind and you eat your meal in complete darkness. It was quite an experience and we really enjoyed a unique meal. We also visited Spreewald, a town 40 minutes outside of Berlin that is made up of natural canals. The locals all move around on Gondola's (think German countryside version of Venice.) Even the postman delivers the mail via boat! We also took a day trip out to Dresden and were in awe of the beautiful palace, churches, opera house and amazing history that surrounds as you walk through the city square. Our final stop in Germany was out to Giessen where many of the Brother's Grimm fairy tales originate from. We visited a castle and saw many houses and shops that date back to the 16th century (Older than the good ol' USofA!) 

The Brandenburg Gate


Charlottenburg Palace 

Hanging out at a park

Haley's cousin!  



On the boat in Spreewald with Haley's grandparents 

Church in Dresden. The dark colored bricks are what remains of the building after it was bombed during WWII. The statue out front is of Martin Luther. 

At the Palace in Dresden 

Berliner Dome (Church) 

Marburg, a small town of old homes in the foothills near Giessen. 

Castle that inspired many Brother's Grimm stories. 

Our final stop was a quick 30 hours in Istanbul, Turkey. We landed on a Monday morning at 11am and left the following day at 6:30pm. We snuck in a great visit with our friend Emellia who was on vacation from New York. We ate some great food, stayed in the old district of Istanbul surrounded by the Blue Mosque and the Grand Bazaar, and had an enjoyable walking tour through some of the major sights of Istanbul. 

The Blue Mosque 

Across the Bay 


These past two weeks were a great way to recharge our batteries and spend quality time with each other and our loved ones, but we are happy to be back in the loving arms of the kids. We've spent the past few days at the orphanage playing soccer, cards, reading stories, and watching movies. It is such a blessing to be back together! 

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