{why România?}

9:47 AM

When people ask you what you do, or what you used to do, you get some interesting looks when you say "missionary."  Their minds either go straight to images of Mother Teresa, or knocking on doors like a salesman.  Neither is accurate.  So I've stopped telling people my "title" and just tell them what I actually did.  Taught orphaned and abandoned children with special needs how to read.  Lead summer camps and youth group.  Stood by them, prayed for them, and loved them in every capacity I could.

So that's the what, but inevitably after the what, comes the why.  Why did you choose to work in Romania?  Why have you been going to Romania for the last 9 years, then live there for 3 of those years, and why do you keep going back?

The why is really simple, and dates back to when I was in middle school.  I used to watch 20/20 with my parents on Friday nights (super cool) and happened to see a special on the conditions in Eastern European orphanages.  This was back in the late 90's when many news outlets were investigating institutions in places like Russia and Romania.  I saw hurting kids and thought, I'd like to help them one day.  Fast forward to college, when I found an organization dedicated to ministering to orphaned and abandoned babies and children in Romania.  I signed up for a two week trip, packed a suitcase full of toys and games, and flew around the world.

My life was forever changed.  It was changed from the first moment I stepped into the abandoned baby hospital.  And it continued to change as I visited school-aged children living in the orphanages, and then met young adults who had grown up in institutions.

In truth, God has used Romania to change me daily, and, over time.  He has broken me, broken my heart for these kids who struggle in every way imaginable.  Being broken is painful.  But brokenness spurs on love.  And when people ask, "Why Romania?"  my only response is that I have to.  It's not that I have to go to Romania.  It's that I have to go to see my kids, who have rooted themselves in my heart and soul.


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