Coincidence and a Thank You Note
1:00 PM Haley and I have been reading through Acts and have been blown away by the intricacies of the inception of the church. All of the meetings and new relationships that were born in such a short period of time really speak to the hand of God that was over the Disciples and early believers. The church had needs and God found ways to meet those needs and what struck me even more than God's involvement in the development of the church was the early believers recognition that Jesus himself was in even the smallest of happenings. Nothing was coincidence, nothing was by the sheer talent or work of an individual, but rather there was a very real acknowledgement that everything happened and came from and through God.
I don't know if I have this kind of faith. I know in my core that God is in and works through all things, but do I really take the time to stop and acknowledge that he brings specific people into my life to fulfill certain purposes? Do I ever stop and recognize in the midst of a day that God has me exactly where he wants me? In a world that is so mobile and everything is so accessible it is easy to forget the supremacy of God in all things.
I would like to take a moment and thank God for bringing us here. For the experiences he gives us in everyday. For the friends and family he provided for us. For the blessings and encouragement they give us. For the team members that come and meet various needs in our ministries and in our kids lives. Being here is more than the act of choosing to come or hopping on a plane, but it is rather the specific spirit ordained process of fulfilling some known or unknown role that God has planned.
It is amazing to see our team members that come and pour our their hearts to all of the kids, meet so many needs, and do so with a joyful heart. Even if you feel like you have nothing to offer, come God has something to offer and he may want to use you to offer that something to our kids. Thank you to all who have come, are coming, and to all the needs you meet.