12:40 PMWhen I compare kids who grow up in families to kids who grow up in institutions, there are actually more similarities than you would think. All kids want the attention of the adults in their lives. They want to show you a cool trick that they learned to do with the soccer ball. And as they get older, they want cell phones and facebook accounts. Kids are kids. But there are differences that set abandoned and institutionalized children apart, things that change the course of their entire lives. Things that can damage them or prevent them from fulfilling their potential. But there is hope.
All of our kids need prayer. Prayer changes lives and gives hope to the future. It inspires change and leads to action. Would you pray for these kids?
Prayer requests:
Abandoned Baby Hospital
Many babies are abandoned at birth. Please pray for good health and medical care. Pray also that they get enough interaction from volunteer staff to help them reach their developmental milestones. Developmental delays can impact a child for the rest of his life. Pray that loving families would come forward to adopt or take them in as foster children.
After a baby grows up, or if a child is abandoned later in life, they are sent to an institution. Some institutions are nicer than others, and the kids are more able to participate in their community. Some seem more like a compound, with a Lord of the Flies feel. Pray for caring staff members to guide the children. Pray for health and nutritional needs. Pray for protection from any form of abuse or neglect. Pray that the children learn that they are loved by their father in Heaven. Pray that they learn right and wrong. Pray that they learn the skills they need to make a future for themselves.
Young Adults
After their time at the orphanage is up, many young people are sent out into the world without the proper skills needed to make a life for themselves. H2H has a transition program to help teach life and job skills. Please pray for these young men and women to be encouraged to learn new and difficult things. Pray that they would learn to persevere through trials. Pray that they would find jobs and apartments. Pray that they find acceptance in their community and culture.
Please pray that all of the kids in the system would know the love of Jesus. That they would be cared for and experience success. Pray that the system is changed and institutions become a thing of the past.