{new experiences}

11:43 AM

The last couple of weeks the kids have been on spring vacation. We have spent that time preparing lessons and activities that were out of the ordinary for them- trying to give them new experiences that make being a kid so fun!

We had two days of special science and art lessons taught by us and our Scottish counter part, Kirsteen. The kids loved doing science experiments- especially making chemical reactions and slime!

We had art lessons on pattern, color and perspective. The kids were so quiet as they diligently worked on their masterpieces. They enjoy being creative and trying new things!

We celebrated March and April birthdays with cupcakes and presents!

We had a couple of special events with the kids from Kirsteen's music class. We got to chaperone a group of kids at the movie theater and Pizza Hut. We watched a 3D movie, the Croods, and it was most of the kids' first time at a theater, let alone a 3D movie! We all had a great time!

We also took the younger music classes to McDonald's (always a hit!) and watched Brave. They got to choose their own happy meals and were so excited.

We put together some sporty activities, volleyball, frisbee, and yoga. They had never heard of yoga, but enjoyed doing different poses- and coming up with some of their own!

This past week was our favorite so far in Romania. We set up reward parties for our reading classes. We took small groups of them from the orphanage and brought them to our house to play just dance, cards, make and eat a yummy meal, and watch a movie. They really enjoyed getting special time and attention- and they loved helping make their dinner, it was probably their favorite part!

Quote from the week from little Marian, who said during dinner, "You guys are like our moms!"
"Steven too?!"
Best compliment we could ever receive.

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