{living life}

1:18 AM

One of the biggest blessings of being in Romania is living life with the kids.  We do lots of organized activities, camps and classes, but we also get to spend lots of free time together and just be a part of their lives. Recently, I was able to help one of the older boys with his final exam for hair school. He and another girl just finished their program and got rave reviews from their professor! 

working hard!

don't we look fancy?!
We also just finished camps with groups of teenage boys and girls.  My favorite part of girl's camp was spending time with small groups of girls chatting about life. Translation: girl talk!  But conversations that begin talking about Edward vs. Jacob turn into real discussions and comments that are important and meaningful.  I thank God for those times when he gives me opportunities to speak value and love into a young girl's life.  
hanging out by the lake

just dance was a hit!

young beauties
 Steven spent a week with the young men playing soccer, slip n' sliding, and talking about how God is near to us in the midst of trials.  He and the boys had a great time getting away and just being boys together.
ultimate frisbee

with some of the awesome boys
The rest of our summer has been filled with hugs and hanging out.  We love to be a part of the kids' daily lives at the orphanage.  Asking simple questions like "what is your favorite subject in school?" or "what is your favorite zoo animal?" gives them a chance to share their interests, ideas and creativity.  (By the way, my favorite response to the zoo question: "A cobra. I've swam with a cobra before and I'd do it again because I wasn't scared!" SO CUTE!) There is nothing like spending time with an abandoned child who decides to trust you with their thoughts, whether silly or serious.  There really aren't words that describe the feeling.  
how many people can fit in the swing?!

buddies for life!
I can't describe the feeling.  But I wouldn't change it for anything.

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