Candy Canes and Neighbors

11:11 PM

     As we STUFFED the box full of candy canes and soccer socks at the post office, I wanted to stuff myself inside to be shipped to Romania! We packed a Christmas box with letters to our kiddies that we have known and visited over the last few years, all the while wishing we could see them soon.
     I have realized that I have two fluctuating emotions about moving to Romania for 3 years. I keep feeling either sheer excitement, or, like everything I do is going to be the last time I do so in America! This Thanksgiving was difficult as I realized I wouldn’t be here next November to celebrate with our families. But then, when I read the H2H staff blogs ( and see the amazing thanksgiving dinner they prepared for 50 Transition home graduates- I cannot wait to be a part of it! I have never lived more than 45 minutes away from my family, and it will be extremely difficult to live oceans away from them. I struggle to reconcile those emotions with the joy I find in the prospect of working with all of the children in the orphanage, abandoned baby hospital, and transition homes. BUT, all I know is that God put this calling on my heart- to share the love of Christ with children who have been abandoned. I used to think that missionaries had it all figured out, and it was an “easy” decision for them to go where they were called. But, now I realize, we are all called to make choices for Christ- whether we leave the country or not- and we are compelled to serve him because of his grace and mercy. The missionary field is everywhere- all around us. When Jesus was asked which commandment was greatest, he gave two! “Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39.) Any by neighbor, He meant everyone. Even as I prepare to leave my literal neighbors for some across the continents, I pray that I daily love my current neighbors as Christ loves them. I mean, when you think about it, which lives have affected you more? Those strangers or acquaintances who pass in and out of our lives? Or, friends and neighbors who embed themselves into our lives? I want to be the kind of neighbor who cares, gets involved, and commits to the lives of those around me. So for now, I pray to be that kind of neighbor in San Diego. Next August, I hope to be that in Bucharest.
     As Steven and I wait and pray to go to Romania, we feel so blessed by friends and family who have given their prayers and finances to our cause. We need $13,000 as a start up fund, and $3,500 in monthly support. Currently, we have $9,000 as our start up fund, and $100 in monthly commitments. Monthly commitments are our biggest need- to help pay for our housing, food, and ministry supplies as we seek to bring basic education to special needs and struggling kids in the orphanage. If you would like more info about how you can help- just let us know! We love and appreciate your support during this new adventure in our lives!

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