
1:21 PM

Memories of my childhood always evoke happiness and contentment.  The playhouse my dad built for me.  Summers spent at the beach. Camping in Yosemite.  All of these memories take me back to a different time when I was filled with joy because I was truly and wholly loved, and secure in that love.

When I talk to our kids, I see that their bad memories greatly outweigh their good ones.  But I also see that they hang on to those good memories with a ferocity and fire that is surprising.  They will tell me the same story over and over of that one time we went to the zoo and the tiger looked at us, or when they got to come to our house and we cooked dinner together. They replay these things in their minds- focus on the good memories, and maybe the bad ones will be forgotten.

As a teacher, I am always hoping that my students will remember what I taught them, and be able to apply their knowledge and skills. I want to improve their memory so that they can access that knowledge at any time.

I want my kids to remember the smiles, the good teachings, the fun, the good memories, and the love they have experienced.  When they are grown, when they have gone out into the world, when they have left the institution that raised them, when we lose touch and I never hear from them again...

I hope they remember when we learned about faith, and what believing in a powerful God means for their future.

I pray they remember when we learned about hope, and that hope in Jesus can change your life at any moment.

I want them to remember to persevere, to believe in themselves, and to push forward despite the seemingly endless obstacles in front of them.

I pray they will remember they have a purpose- to be kind to others, and to love their God with all of their hearts.

These are the memories I want them to have and take with them through life.  These are my memories for them.


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