12:36 PM

    It was our first day back in the orphanage.  Since my Romanian is limited, I say “Buna” (hello) and “Ce Faci?” (how are you?) to every single kid I see!  They ask me how I am and I reply “Bine!”  The kids love it when you speak Romanian to them.  Some of the younger ones think it means you speak it fluently, so they start talking to you, and then stare at me when I say “Nu stiu” ( I don’t understand). Then they go grab a translator!  
    I see many familiar faces when I walk in.  Petrisor, who I met on my very first trip here, and who has a special place in my heart, squealed (even though he is probably 13) and gave me a hug.  I hug Vic and Nicu, who Steven and I met when they first arrived at the orphanage a few years ago.  Vic smiled so bright and said “hi” in English!  He sat on my lap as we played “Macau” (Uno) with another one of “my boys,” Florin, who looks just like Alfalfa, and he is a little rascal too!  i hug Flori and Catalina, who pet my hair, though later Catalina tried to cut some of it off!  Ana shows me her puzzle that she made, with an impish little smile and giggles when I say “Bravo!”  I sit and build a puzzle with Matilda, who doesn’t really understand how it works, but is so excited when the final picture comes together!  We then play war with Valle, except we used Uno cards and the rules seem very “fluid”; Matilda somehow miraculously wins every game, using “skips” and “wild cards” to beat Valle and I every time! 
    It is different being here in the winter.  The outdoor time is very limited, so you get to spend a lot of time just sitting and “talking” with each child.  I really like to just sit with Vic and let him teach me the color names in Romanian while we play Uno, and teach him some in English too.  Helping  a special needs girl who is way to old for a Bert and Ernie puzzle, but loves it all the same, makes me think about how many things these kids miss out on learning from parents.  Some of these kids have such limited language and vocabulary skills because they didn’t have a parent pointing out all of the colors or shapes to them when they were three.  It is a blessing the H2H is here parenting so many kids.
    Pray that as each child goes to sleep tonight, they know that they are loved, that they are valuable, and that their life matters.  Amen!

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