Finally Here!

10:38 PM

We have finally arrived in Bucharest!  It has been a long time coming, and we are so thankful to be back.  On our first day, we had orientation, then got to go to the orphanage.  We were so excited to go see all of our kiddies- and they remembered us, even though it has been two years since we have been back.  We got to give and receive many hugs, from kids we already knew, and some new ones.  We played futbol, jumped rope, and talked with the kids (through a translator.)  A lot of them asked when we were leaving, and we got to tell them that we are staying for a very long time.  It felt really good to know that we will be seeing them very often, and get to be a consistent part of their lives.

Steven with some of the older boys!
Haley and Rebecca with some new and old friends!

This week we have been organizing our room, which is in a house outside of Bucharest.  Moving is a lot of work!  We are also figuring out things like grocery store shopping, which will be challenging at first with the language barrier.  We have staff meetings and will be finding out in which programs will be supporting the H2H staff; art class, music, dance, etc.  We also start our language lessons in 2 weeks.  This will be a big challenge but we are so excited to get started and get talking.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying and supporting us for all these years leading up to this moment.  The smiles and laughs at the orphanage put everything into perspective, and we know we are right where we need to be.

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